Blog Posts

  • Create system roles by default, Orchard Core Commerce 3.0 - This week in Orchard (07/02/2025)

    2/7/2025 1:24:14 PM

    Orchard Core updatesSupport depends-on when using script and style inlineThe depends-on attribute available in script/style Tag Helpers should work the same as declaring a dependency in a resource manifest and causing the dependency to be included. This doesn't happen, though, and the dependency is not included. The dependency order is only enforced when it was already included before. Let's say you add a script into one of your Razor files, like:

  • Add Recipe Roles permission behavior, how to add media management to an ASP.NET Core app? - This week in Orchard (24/01/2025)

    1/24/2025 12:12:44 PM

    Orchard Core updatesMigrate the OpenID module to OpenIddict 6This is about updating the OpenID module to use OpenIddict 6.0, which shipped in December. With OpenIddict 6.0 being now generally available, the previous version, OpenIddict 5.0, stops being supported and won't receive bug fixes or security updates. As such, it is recommended to migrate to OpenIddict 6.0 to continue receiving bug and security fixes. If you want to know more about the latest version of OpenIddict, check out this great post from Kévin Chalet!

  • OpenAI feature including Azure OpenAI integration, Orchard Harvest 2025 survey - This week in Orchard (17/01/2025)

    1/17/2025 2:05:02 PM

    Orchard Core updatesRemove ReCaptchaMode and DetectionThreshold, and introduce the new ReCaptcha shapeIn Orchard Core 2.x, the ReCaptcha module supports two modes: AlwaysShow and PreventRobots. To simplify the module, and enhance integration, the PreventRobots mode and its related components will be removed in Orchard Core 3. Going forward, only the AlwaysShow mode will be supported.

  • How to add media management to an ASP.NET Core app? - Orchard Core Nuggets

    1/16/2025 4:00:51 AM

    Using media files, such as images, videos, and documents (like PDF files), is a common requirement for a modern website. Media can enhance user experience by making content more engaging, visually appealing, and/or easier to understand. Fortunately, Orchard Core has a built-in solution: the Orchard Core Media feature. As the description says in the official documentation:

  • Introducing Orchard Core Guru on, improving Audit Trail views - This week in Orchard (10/01/2025)

    1/10/2025 11:37:49 AM

    Orchard Core updatesImprove Audit Trail viewsThe Audit Trail feature of Orchard provides a log for recording and viewing back-end changes. If you enable this feature under Configuration -> Features, you can set the types of content whose events are recorded under Configuration -> Settings -> Audit Trail. If you edit a content type that Audit Trail tracks, you can see the history of changes under the Audit Trail option of the admin menu. If you click on the Details button near an Audit Trail record, you can see the difference, along with some information about who made the change and when. This means the Audit Trail views are updated and grouped so that someone will understand the values more easily. With this format, it may be easier to determine who did what.

  • Extension method for easier ResourceManagementOptions registration, Testing time-dependent functionalities with a time shifting clock using the Lombiq UI Testing Toolbox - This week in Orchard (03/01/2025)

    1/3/2025 7:55:35 PM

    Orchard Core updatesCleanup 'has_claim' Liquid FilterSome code in the has_claim Liquid Filter was added in 2.1 for backward compatibility. It will be removed in v3, changing the behavior of the has_claim Liquid Filter, meaning the Administrator role no longer registers permission-based claims by default during login. This means that directly checking for specific claims in Liquid, such as:

  • Upgrade GraphQL to 8, Christmas in Lombiq - This week in Orchard (20/12/2024)

    12/20/2024 11:34:57 AM

    Orchard Core updatesUpgrade GraphQL to 8We currently use 7.9.0 of the GraphQL packages. However, as of now, 8 is out, so we needed to upgrade. The goal here was to upgrade to the latest GraphQL packages. This is a breaking change and will not be part of 2.x. It will be included in Orchard Core 3.0 since it's breaking (as we have to set ResolvedType instead of Type on all fields, including custom fields in external projects). Below are important changes and considerations for your future implementation:

  • Reorganize the Admin Menu, Add PollingTime & MinimumIdleTime to BackgroundServiceOptions - This week in Orchard (13/12/2024)

    12/13/2024 1:56:59 PM

    Orchard Core updatesAdd PollingTime & MinimumIdleTime to BackgroundServiceOptionsThe ModularBackgroundService executes background tasks in one-minute batches, and there's a 10-second idle time between batches. Neither of these are configurable, which prevents customizing background execution, forcing you to wait at least 1m 10s for a background task. This means that we have to wait for that amount of this for background tasks instead of being able to tell to execute them faster.

  • Add SupportedCultures and DefaultCulture to the Culture filter, MateAdmin admin theme - This week in Orchard (06/12/2024)

    12/6/2024 11:27:48 AM

    Orchard Core updatesNew AddDisplayDriver Service Collection ExtensionA new extension method, AddDisplayDriver<TModel, TDriver>services.AddScoped<IDisplayDriver<Navbar> has been introduced to streamline the registration of generic display drivers. Now, instead of the verbose syntax services.AddScoped<IDisplayDriver<Navbar>, VisitSiteNavbarDisplayDriver>() for registering a driver like VisitSiteNavbarDisplayDriver, you can simply use the more concise services.AddDisplayDriver<Navbar, VisitSiteNavbarDisplayDriver>(). This enhancement reduces boilerplate code and improves readability when adding display drivers.

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